Thursday, September 19, 2013

File Cabinet Makeover!!

Welcome back friends!!!

So sorry that I have been on a blogging hiatus for the past several months... well since like January at least! Life got super busy with finishing up PT school, completing clinicals, and taking my national boards!! But now that life has quieted down somewhat, (Oh wait I'm engaged and planning a wedding and house shopping!!!) now I can blog a little more consistently. However, I will try not to bog this down with wedding activities, but I will throw in some wedding crafts and DIY's for all you other lovely engaged people. Who knows, you could use some of it for a part for a different type of celebration as well!! Good news is... its TRANSFORMATION THURSDAY !!!

So here is my most recent craft! My parents had this old file cabinet out in the garage that hasn't been used in like 200 years! okay, maybe only 10 years :) However, I need one for my non-existent office in my not yet bought house, and although my boyfriend  fiance loves me, he does not want this pink filing cabinet anywhere in our new home. So instead of buying a new one, Why not transform the one I have???

This is what it started out as:

90's flashback

So what all supplies do you need?
  •         Spray paint in whatever color you like (I used spray enamel fast dry)
  •         2 pieces of scrapbook paper
  •         paint brush
  •         Mod Podge
  •         screwdriver
  •         Painters tape
  •         Scissors or an exacto knife
Now the first thing I did was put painters tape on the key hole and both of the handles. Later I figured out that I would need to remove the handles in order to A) put the scrapbook paper on and B) they needed to be painted black as well because the white didn't look right.  Then spray paint the entire cabinet including the drawers because there will be some of the drawers showing along the outside of the scrapbook paper. 
Yes it is super dirty, notice the comment that it has been in the garage for 10 years!

Next you cover the drawers with mod podge and quickly place the scrapbook paper over the center. The paper may go over your key hole so here you use the exacto knife and cut a small area for the key hole to come through. Then I used the exacto knife to cut off any excess at the bottom of each drawer and punch holes with a pin/cool tool for the handles to be placed back on. 

Disregard the paint on my hands and under my fingernails. Turn out I'm not exactly an expert spray painter. Also, notice the sparkles on the paper... so it's not longer pink but it is sparkly... I LOVE SPARKLES lol 

****Important*** Make sure to let these dry with the doors open so you do not mod podge the drawers together. 

Finally, after the handles and the drawer fronts are dry, reattach the handles and Wah La!! you're done!! Quick, Simple, Easy, all in less than an hour. 

Now this is a filing cabinet I can be proud of and my husband-to-be won't fuss about it being too early in our still non existent office. Hope you enjoy and hope yours turns out as fabulously as mine did!

Any questions feel free to ask!!

Also, if there is anything you'd like to see on the blog just comment or shoot me an email.

Til next time!


 Southern Therapy Girl 

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